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Information Technologies & Communication

Over the past few years, the accountability and performance evaluation of non-profit non-government originations (NGOs) has become significant not because of its importance, but also due to its challenges in defining, measuring and implementation. The development of technology is recognized to be the significant driving factor in facilitating performance measurement and evaluation. There is substantial increase in use of technology and information & communication tools (ICT) in the NGO management. Primarily, the current existing research takes into consideration the appropriation of information technology in facilitating the working of NGOs and focuses more on overcoming the challenges in effectively using information technology. Whereas very minimal research is ascertained to exist in exploring the potential of information technology is creating a platform or framework where NGOs goals & outcomes can be defined, measured & evaluated, and comparative study of NGOs can be made. The researcher strives to explore the role of information technology in NGO management and performance evaluation. The paper brings into light the use of information technology for allowing NGOs to define the performance parameters and then measuring these performance parameters that can be further used for quality purposes.